The western extent of this room was discovered in 2018 by excavating room I-19. Mortar was used on the side as well as below the threshold to join wall 8041 to threshold 8097, putting this wall and the threshold in phase with one another. This wall was likely constructed to incorporate the threshold and divide room I-19 and I-5 in a later phase.
Excavation continued along the western facade of this structure, but bottom not reached during 2017 season of excavation. Only post-abandonment layers so far abut this wall.
SU 8041 served as part of the western wall of Room I-5, associated with the threshold 8097 and wall 8040 to the south, and block 8074 to the north. Together these made up the western limit of the room in this later phase. The high level of the foundation here (and for other walls in Room I-5) suggests that the floor associated with these walls has not preserved. The nature of the small tufo blocks - squared, as in petite appareil - appears to have been a strategy to reinforce or regularize, the corners of walls in this structure - see also SU 8030 and 8039.
Room I-5
N-S running wall of various construction parts in Area I
Taken from the west.
Taken from the south.
N-S wall north of 8040
Series of N-S running walls at eastern end of 2018 excavation area