A reticulate N-S wall that functions currently as the boundary between the western and eastern halves of Area I 2017. It is one of the earlier walls of the complex and predates the building made mostly of petit appareil to the west (possibly the bath). It continued to function as the eastern limit of room I-14.
North-south wall on southwestern edge of room I5. Sems to be in phase with other opus reticulatum walls in area. May be an exterior wall of the area I structure. Must be a later construction than the floor surfaces in room I5 due to the foundation cuts along the W side of the floor.
Room I-5
Taken from the west.
Taken from the north.
Taken from the east.
North-south reticulatum wall at east end of 8039
PM1788_SU8272_SU8123_SU8261_SU8262_SU8236_SU8270_SU8260_SU8128_SU8266_SU8219_SU8040_SU8168 Threshold covered by 8266; N-S wall (W) of Rooms I-13 and I-14, in SW quadrant of area; N-S wall S of 8123 in SW quadrant of area; N-S wall S of 8261 in SW quadrant of area; E-W wall W of 8123 of room I-15; E-W wall W of 8128 in SW corner of area.; E-W wall W of 8260 in SW corner of area.; E-W wall (W) of room I-14, in SW quadrant of area; Wall west of wall SU 8168; fill of post hole in cut 8065; E-W wall west of wall 8139