SU 8368 is a concrete wall that separates Room I-17 from an unexcavated room to the west beyond the limit of our excavations in 2018. It appears to date to the original phase of building construction. At its southern limit, the presence of a facing stone preserved at the lowest point suggests that south of this was a threshold providing access between Room I-17 and the unexcavated Room to the west.
SU 8368 is part of the western wall in room 17, possibly borders a threshold but it is unclear due to deterioration of the wall and excavation limits
E-W wall (W) of Room I-18, S of wall 8119. Sketched in Section.
Room I-17
Elevation drawing of E-W wall (W) of Room I-18, S of wall 8119.
Mosaic floor along the western side of Room I-17 and surrounding features
Cross Section with measurements of Wall SU 8368.