Stratigraphic Units


Publication Status
Publication Year
Publication Notes


Excavation Year
Formation Process
Stratigraphical Reliability
SU Type
Layer Distinguished By
Photo Model

Record Events

Filled Out By
Revised By
Finds Studied By
Filled Out On
Revised On
Finds Processed On
SU Closed


Class Frequency Details
Collapse Debris Frequent
Glass Rare
Marble Medium
Mosaic Tile Frequent
Pottery Medium
Tiles Frequent
Animal Bones Medium
Charcoal Medium Large concentration on the eastern side of the SU close to wall 8367

Soil Matrix

Clay %
Silt %
Sand %
Measured Compaction
Measured Compaction (kg per cm)

Unit Limits

Northern Limit
Southern Limit
Western Limit
Eastern Limit
Depth Limit
Unit Limit Notes

Observations and Descriptions



Inclusion Observations
Thickness Observations


Cut Edges
Cut Sides
Cut Bottom
Cut Top Edge
Cut Bottom Edge
Cut Observations

Structural Remains

Building Technique

Binding Agent
Mortar Description
Mortar Inclusions

Mortar Inclusion Size
Wall Facing

Floor Type

Wall Finishing

Structure Description


Total Volume of Layer (buckets)
Soil Sampling
Soil Sample Quantity (buckets)
Soil Sample Fraction (%)
Sieving Sample Quantity (buckets)
Sieving Sample Fraction (%)
Non Soil Sampling
Non Soil Sample Type
Non Soil Sample Size


2018-07-21 Zoe Ortiz

This SU is a post-abandonment layer with frequent rubble inclusions. It is similar in composition and color to the SU that covered it (8318), but had a much lower frequency of rubble. It was most likely the first stage of abandonment, as it covered the features of Room 17, such as a mosaic floor (8409) and the concrete floor prep (8408). It most likely formed as a result of colluvial accumulation with minor collapse of building material.

Dates and Phasing

Approximate Date of Layer
Date of Layer Observations
Creation Phase (First Phase Present)
Last Active Phase (Present and in Use)
Last Presence Phase (Last Phase Present, not in Use)

Faunal Register

Bag # Cassetta # Recovery Method # of Specimens Weight (gr) Notes
2420 146 Flotation Heavy Fraction 0 59.13
Totals 0 59.13

Faunal NISP

Species NISP NISP % NISP Notes
0 0
Totals 0

Bulk Finds

Finds Observations
Finds Storage Notes
Bulk Finds
Class Count Weight (kg) Details
Bone 202 0.94 Weighed and counted June 26 2019
CBM 99.92 Checked for stamps and discarded July 17th, 2018.
CBM 18.72 July 17th, 2018: 18.72kg of CBM weighed and discarded with the exception of stamped CBM.
CBM 109.4 Weighed and discarded on July 16th, 2018, apart from stamped tile which was retained.
CBM 30.3 July 18, 2018: 30.3kg of CBM weighed and dumped with the exception of stamped CBM.
CBM 61.69 July 10, 2018: 21.63kg of CBM weighed and discarded with the exception of stamped CBM. July 12, 2018: 32.244 kg of CBM weighed and discarded with the exception of stamped CBM and a tubulus fragment (2.86 kg). July 13th, 2018: 7.82 kg weighed and discarded, except for stamped CBM which was retained
CBM 47.76 July 19, 2018: 47.76kg of CBM weighed and discarded.
CBM 42.48 July 16th 2018 CBM weighed and checked for stamps before being discarded (stamped tiles retained)
CBM 3.68 June 26, 2019: Mostly flaked pieces of tile, with a few pieces of tegulae and imbrices. Checked for stamps and discarded. One tubulus retained with rest of SU's ceramics in the cassetta.
CBM 2 0.246 Two pieces of white-ish mortar
CBM 2 0.246 Two pieces of white-ish mortar
CBM 2 0.246 Two pieces of white-ish mortar
CBM 2 0.246 Two pieces of white-ish mortar
CBM 2 0.246 Two pieces of white-ish mortar
CBM 2 0.246 Two pieces of white-ish mortar
CBM 2 0.246 Two pieces of white-ish mortar
CBM 2 0.246 Two pieces of white-ish mortar
Marble 31 20.3 30 pieces of white marble. Three are sugaring. 1 piece of pavonazetto?
Marble 31 20.3 White marble. Three are sugaring.
Marble 31 20.3 White marble. Three are sugaring.
Marble 31 20.3 White marble. Three are sugaring.
Marble 31 20.3 White marble. Three are sugaring.
Mosaic Tile 71.5 Weighed and discarded on July 20th, 2018. Random sample kept of large tesserae (totaling 410g). Tesserae are chunky, rectangular, and grey. Average tessera ranges from 3 to 4.5 cm in height, 1-2 cm width. Second sample kept - chunk of intact mosaic with mortar, comprising smaller tesserae than in the rest of the SU (175g). Samples stored in GPR18 bulk tesserae cassetta. (L.B.-C.)
Mosaic Tile 0.469
Mosaic Tile 10 0.02 Weighed and counted on June 26 2019, sorted from other ceramics
Totals 383 590.347
Lost / Damaged - Shed Fire 2020
Fire Damage Notes

Special Finds

Loom Weight, Loom Weight

Hook, Iron bracket or hook?

Pin, Bronze hair pin

Metal Object, Lead Weight

Ceramic Fragment, african red slip fragment with a moulded face.

Loom Weight, Loom weight


Ceramics Assemblage Condition
Lost / Damaged - Shed Fire 2020
Ceramics Condition Comments
Class Whole Vessels Rims Handles Bases Walls Total Weight (kg) Minimum Size (cm) Maximum Size (cm) Details
Amphora 3 11 2 73 89 4.76 3 11 Counted and weighed on June 26, 2019. Diagnostics not very clearly, but maybe African, Gaullish, Palestinian, maybe a Dresden 24. Spot date from Agora M 334 (4th c. AD)
Bucchero 1 1 0.0005 2 2
Commonware 7 2 21 30 0.637 3 11 2 pieces of late burnished commonware.
Commonware 139 12 17 590 758 12.82 2 10 two pieces are decorated with burnished zig zags (narrow)
Creamware 2 2 4 38 46 0.699 3 10
Dolium 1 19 20 39.55 11 11
Dolium 4 3.4 8 11 One fragment preserves red pigment, possibly from painted stripes.
Painted Creamware 3 1 2 2 8 0.043 2 4
Totals 0 154 26 28 748 952 61.9095


Class Whole Vessels Rims Handles Bases Walls Total Weight (kg) Minimum Size (cm) Maximum Size (cm) Details
Vessel Glass 2 1 5 8 0.048 2 7
Totals 0 2 0 1 5 8 0.048

Spot Dates

300 AD - 399 AD

300 AD - 399 AD

Connected Forms





E-W wall (W) of Room I-18, S of wall 8119.


