On the last day of excavation of the 2018 season, a lead pipe embedded into wall 8371 was uncovered. This led to the conclusion that this concrete surface was most likely a basin which sloped towards this pipe, bound on the north by wall 8417. It was likely bound by a similar wall to the east that has not preserved, where the linear limit is perpendicular to 8417 and probably represents, approximately, the original limit. SU 8408 is similar to the basin discovered in Room I-22, but further investigation is necessary to understand the full extent of these similarities. Since it is covering the mosaic floor of Room I-17 (SU 8409) it clearly belongs to a later phase of the building, indicating that the purpose of Room I-17 changed from residential to industrial/productive. There are several indications that this was once used as a basin, such as a thick cocciopesto lip on the southern side (abutting 8371) and the southern slope leading towards a lead pipe in wall 8371. There is also the possibility of a channel carved into the surface of 8408 leading to the pipe, but it was difficult to determine positively due to the constraint of time and requires further investigation.
This SU will require further investigation and will most likely be divided into separate SUs due to the presence of a possible wall, possible separate floor surface (cocciopesto), and a mortared deposit.
Uncovered at the end of 2018 and waiting to excavate until next season. Preliminary observations suggest that it is a floor preparation surface. There is a small portion in the southwestern corner of cocciopesto floor. Along the edges on the north and east side features a layer of mortared deposit. Also on the northern side is a degraded tufo block that is mortared to the concrete prep floor. It is suggested that in the 2018 season, this should be revisited and the possibility of creating separate SU's should be considered.
Concrete floor prep layer in the southwestern corner in Room 17
Room I-17
Elevation drawing of E-W wall (W) of Room I-18, S of wall 8119.
Mosaic floor along the western side of Room I-17 and surrounding features