

Feature Type
Feature Description

Stratigraphic Units

Area: C, The SU is a large accumulation layer in the center of the 2011 extension.

Area: C, The Su was an east extension of 2259.

Area: C, The SU was a north-south wall of basalt 2274 and 2306.

Area: C, The SU was a east-west wall of irregular basalt stones.

Area: C, The SU was an L-shaped wall of irregular basalt stones aligned with E-W wall 2274.

Area: C, The SU was a East-West tufo wall South of walls 2276 and 2278.

Area: C, The su is a layer of soil north of wall 2274 and surface 2335.

Area: C, The Su is a foundation trench for wall 2274.

Area: C, The SU was a layer of yellow crushed tufo south of wall 2260/2274.

Area: C, The su is a brownish-yellow silty deposit in southwest corner of the area.

Area: C, The Su is a deposit with frequent tufo inclusions south of 2274.

Area: C, The Su was the tile fragments south of 2260.

Area: C, The SU was a deposit of red-orange soil in southwest corner of the area.

Area: C, The su is a loose silty grey deposit north of 2411.

Area: C, The SU is a compact grey deposit in the southwest corner of area, south of 2274.

Area: C, The SU is a friable greyish yellow deposit south of 2260.

Area: C, The SU was loose red and yellow deposit south and east of wall(s) 2260, fill of cut 2473.

Area: C, The SU is a compact grey deposit south of 2274.

Area: C, The Su was a cut filled by 2470, south and east of wall 2260.

Area: C, The SU is a light brown silty deposit south of 2260.

Area: C, The SU is a compact grey deposit north of 2260.

Area: C, The SU was the east-west wall of red tufo west of 2261 in the southwest corner of 2015 Area C.

Area: C, The SU is an east-west wall of red tufo in the southern part of the area.


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