This slab floor may have extended to cover a substantial portion or of Rooms H15 (and even H14 to the north), but it seems that it does not relate to slabs 7337, which are not likely to be in their original position. The original design of the slab floor may be related the presence of the large ovaloid negative feature in the east-central part of Room H15: if this is a drainage feature or a cistern, the slab floor might have integrated an opening to access this, like in Room H1 or in the Area F building. The physical relationships of the slab floor and the ashlar walls to the east seem telling of the relative phases: the fact that this floor abuts wall 7322 in the middle of one of the courses of blocks, but that the bottom of the first course of wall 7321 abuts the floor, probably indicate that 7321 represents a late 'plug' of a gap that originally existed between walls 7078 to the north and wall 7322 to the south, and that this floor may have paved some sort of landing or entryway from a corridor to the east.
Area around Room H-10
View from south
View from west
Room H-15