

Feature Type
Feature Description

Stratigraphic Units

Area: I, Grey and dark brown layer of silt in rooms I-10 and I-18

Area: I, Brown silty fill of cut 8135, in rooms I-10 and I-18

Area: I, Cut filled by 8134, in rooms I-10 and I-18

Area: I, Yellowish-brown silty deposit W of wall 8011 and S of wall 8133

Area: I, Yellowish-brown deposit of silt S of 8133 and E of 8119.

Area: I, Collapse in NW corner of room I-18 S of wall 8133 and E of wall 8119

Area: I, Collapse of stones N of wall 8012 in rooms I-10 and I-18

Area: I, Collapse of stones N of wall 8012 in room I-18

Area: I, Deposit of light brown silt in rooms I-10 and I-18

Area: I, Stairs in NE corner of room I-18

Area: I, Light brown deposit of silt in room I-18, N. of wall 8012, E. of 8180, 8179, 8119, 8178, S. of 8133, W. of 8199 and 8200

Area: I, Rubble deposit in the north-west corner of room I-18 east of 8180 and 8179, south of 8133

Area: I, Stone block with hole for door post between rooms I-10 and I-18, N. of 8200

Area: I, E-W wall south of rooms I-3, I-10 and I-18

Area: I, Socle on northern side of wall 8012, W. of 8200 in room I-18

Area: I, N-S wall N of 8012 of rooms I-10 and I-18

Area: I, E-W wall (W) of Room I-18, S of wall 8119.

Area: I, Cut for door post east of 8178 in room I-18

Area: I, N-S wall S of 8133 of rooms I-10 and I-18

Area: I, Socle on western side of wall 8199 in room I-18

Area: I, Foundation cut into 8381, W. of 8199 in room I-18

Area: I, E-W wall (N) of rooms I-10 and I-18, in NW quadrant of area

Area: I, Socle on southern side of wall 8133, W. of 8246 in room I-18

Area: I, N-S wall (W) of room I-18 S of wall 8133.

Area: I, N-S wall (W) of room I-18, N of wall 8119

Area: I, N-S wall of room I-18, in NW quadrant of area.

Area: I, Socle on eastern side of wall 8119 in room I-18

Area: I, Mosaic floor in rooms I-10 and I-18

Area: I, Floor prep in rooms I-10 and I-18


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